"The jewel-encrusted box snapped open, revealing its precious contents: A set of seven sparkling purple dice nestled in a swath of silk. It was clear these were the magical dice they had come for..."
Awesome shimmering purple dice with glow-in-the-dark speckles inside. Use these dice with Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, or another role-playing game, or make them a cool addition to your dice collection!
This set contains the following dice, each approximately 16mm in size:
- 1 four-sided die (d4)
- 1 six-sided die (d6)
- 1 eight-sided die (d8)
- 1 ten-sided die (d10)
- 1 percentile die (d%)
- 1 twelve-sided die (d12)
- 1 twenty-sided die (d20)
1 Review
Positively Glowing!
These dice are brilliant, to charge them up I just put my phone on top of them with the flash light on. Even with just barely covering them with my hands afterward to block the light in the room they were really distinguishable, and even moreso in the dark.