
Contact Us

We would be happy to assist you with an order or answer any questions you may have. Before contacting us, please consider reviewing our list of frequently asked questions and our shipping information.

The best way to contact us is via email.
If you have questions about inventory, orders, available colors, bulk dice, types of dice, or anything else, you are welcome to send us an email using the form below. We will not use your email address for any purpose other than responding to your questions or concerns.

Email: or you may use the form below
Voicemail: 402-817-8880 (Please include your order number or email address as part of your message.)

We ship most of our orders from Lincoln, Nebraska in the heart of the United States, but we also utilize other warehouse facilities across the country to ensure efficient processing and delivery.

Contact Form
If you have a question or comment, or need information about any of our products, send us an email by completing the form below. We will respond as quickly as possible.

* = Required field